Contains iron to maintain good HB level,contains vitamins A & C that ensures healthy eyes,skin, and immune system.calcium content in every serving ensures good bone health. Soya is the most widely grown and utilized legume worldwide.Rich in protein,vitamins,minerals and insoluble fibre. soya is regarded as equal to animal foods in protein quality,soya doesn’t contain unhealthy saturated fats.
Thin slices of chaap cooked in a thick brown gravy and flavored with our homemade secret spices. A must try for all!
Aromatic basmati rice (brown rice optional) and soya chunks cooked in our special gravy with homemade spices to give standard biryani a healthy twist.
Soft chaap chunks barbecued and cooked in our special spices and then garnished with burnt garlic
For all those spicy food lovers out there, you are going to fall in love with this roll. It is delicious and also fiercely HOT!